The feature debut of writer-director Samuel Clemens' horror, The Waterhouse, has revealed their poster and trailer. The film was produced by Agam Jain, George Clemens and Fernando Ruiz for Take The Shot Films, and James Kermack and Julien Loeffler for Featuristic Films. The Waterhouse weaves a tale of three thieves who have just stolen a priceless painting. They arrive at a secluded safe house by the sea to discover their fourth accomplice missing. Was one of them responsible, or is there a more sinister presence lurking at the water's edge?Alan Calton and Dominic Vulliamy star, alongside Lara Lemon, Corrinne Wicks, Michelangelo Fortuzzi, Lily Catalifo and Sandrine Salyères. The film debuted at London’s FrightFest Halloween last year. Raven Banner is representing the film in Berlin at the European Film Market.